Top things to do in Fort Wayne.
Parkview Field is one of the best baseball venues in minor league sports. With the Fort Wayne Tin Caps being an event more than just your normal sporting match. You will quickly see the difference when you walk through the gates.
One of the top ranked Class A ball teams in the Nation. They are an affiliate of the San Diego Padres, and are in the Midwest league.
You can get there from anywhere in Fort Wayne.
You can get there from Fort Wayne HVAC
They are refereed to as the Tin Caps because of a naming contest run by the organization. The name is in relation to the folk lore legend Johnny Appleseed spending time in the area and wearing a Tin Cap for a hat.
The city is quite old with a lot of heritage. Founded on the rivers in 1794. Shortly after the Declaration of Independence.
Fort Wayne in known for the Baseball team and people from all over come here to visit. There is a revitalization of the Downtown Fort Wayne area, and this was what started it all off. This has become a venue for more than just the baseball team in recent years. Many concerts and corporate events have been hosted on the field and in the meeting spaces available.
What night should you go. Thirsty Thursdays is the best night to go. Dollar Beer and Dollar Popcorn can really bring some extra enjoyment to your night. Then to top it all off there is a fireworks display on most nights.
You can choose to stop at one of the local bars before or after the game. There is O’Reillys which is connected to the park which is a good option. Also JK O’Donnels is just down the street which is also a popular hangout on that side of the city.
As you can see there is a lot of things to do downtown, but the Base Ball Park in such a treat especially for the kids with the Rock Climbing wall and other events that they do to keep the kids entertained.
Parking can sometimes be difficult. The Parking Garages are a great idea, but take forever to get out of unless you are on the ground floor. There are many signs and different prices for parking around the event. Most will not exceed 5 dollars. GO with one of the options that are on the side of town you will be leaving to. Traffic can become a standstill quickly with people trying to get on the road they are trying to find. A lot of one way roads downtown will lead to additional frustration, but keep your cool and remain safe.
If you are going down for a concert event at the field or even part of the Fort for Fitness events that take place at Parkview field the setup and parking situation may differ.
For all the Fun in the Fort we as a company wish to promote involvement in the entertainment options as well as the civic ones. Together we can build a better Fort Wayne.